As a foundation, Tree of Light develops and maintains an international alliance with world leaders and global conservationists to organize small gatherings throughout the world including the White Lion and Buffalo Initiatives to introduce the Worldwide Indigenous Peoples Governance Charter, the Constitution of the The Great Law of Peace, and the 13 Laws of Lionhearted Leadership alongside with the Global White Lion Protection Trust, The Global Centre of Indigenous Sciences and Ancestral Wisdom, The Fountain, The Center for Sacred Studies, and others. These partners have helped us outline guidelines for peaceful and collaborative governance and leadership in any community.
Part of our curriculum development focus has centered around the implementation and education of an internationally recognized Great Law of Peace, an open participatory Constitution based on Natural Law, in partnership with The Global White Lion Protection Trust, the Four Worlds Institute and The Union of the Condor, Quetzal, and Eagle, Unity Earth, The Fountain, The Center for Sacred Studies, One Small Town, and others.
We have experimented with this since 2020 through online and in person events for Indigenous elders and wisdom keepers to share their wisdom in a sacred way and to help inform communities of these ways of Earth’s education and technologies.
We look forward to continuing to develop and release our education programming, and you can stay up to date by signing up below.