Ancestral Medicine Revival
Directed in the discovery and revival of Indigenous practices and ways, Ancestral Medicine Revival is focused on the weaving together that which has been silenced or covered up. We over-stand and compromise to realize that all Indigenous Nations worldwide had intrinsic rapport, guidelines, and spiritual based practices that kept them in balance and Harmony with our Mother Earth. Through this knowing we integrate and help bring these ways back to the forefront by learning once again how to exercise our Spirit through Ancestral and ceremonial ways.
Herbology and Earth-based, original medicinal practices
We bring forward that which can serve as a cure to a sick body, mind, or way of being.
Ancestral and Indigenous ceremonies, prayers, and song
Traveling globally in servitude to this awareness, connection, sharing, and dreaming in a new way with our beloved Mother Earth.
Personal and group sound ceremonies; land and home blessings
Traditional songs, Bio- feedback analysis and reading, Stone readings, Home & land blessings
Ona, Sawehnisliyohak!
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